Monday, April 03, 2006

UNofficially Winslow Receives Email

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: Board Meeting

Well, once again our current board has left me speechless! For anyone who did not come out to the "special" meeting tonight, you missed NOTHING but a waste of tax payers money! We have been "searching" for a superintendent since forever. We have paid close to $20,000 for two searches. The first search, the board didn't like the candidates. The second search led us to tonight. Two candidates remained out of 6, I believe. They were to be interviewed in public tonight. The public took time out of their lives and came, the candidates took time out of their lives and came. We, the tax payers, paid Dr. Hanna $60 and hour to be there and paid our solicitor to be there. The public was FINALLY given a chance to voice their opinions but it was a waste. They returned from executive session to tell the public that they decided that neither candidate was qualified!!! What? Didn't they have to be qualified in order to get to this point? This board has to go! Our district is out of control and someone has to stop it! Please come out Thursday night to Meet the Candidates. It is at 7pm at school #6. We need a new board! We need to stop wasting time and money and move this district forward!

A fed up parent!


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