Saturday, July 10, 2010

UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

From: Graz
To: UNofficially Winslow
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: School District
I got my hands on some interesting material in regards to the privatization of the personnel that works most closely with our townships children. Pages 1-4 outline the ratification meeting that asked the union to accept a 30% pay cut and other various "give backs" or their postions would be privatized. Page 2 is a grid of hours and salaries which are slightly skewed. If you notice on page six of the attached the "statement of needs" at the top of the page has all aides working seven hours so the proposed numbers being given to the Board are lower than what the actual may be if all work seven hours. Also a very good source told me that some workers that were let go were called by the staffing company being hired by the Board to work at their old positions at $10.00 per hour...$2.00 an hour less than the ratification offer. If they voted down $12 why would they accept $10? I will let you draw your own conclusions but I will tell you this, most if not all of the members of the body of workers let go are residents of Winslow, friends and neighbors for the children they care for. I am worried about the care and attention that will (or will not) be given to all our special children by what I will call "outsiders". I am off to hunt down the minutes of a Board meeting from March 2009 which I sat and listened to the PR person for our Superintendent tell us that the privatization of the bus drivers, while saving money the first year would over the long run cost more. Will this be the same scenario and does the Board have short memories? Well I don't!



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