Monday, July 05, 2010

UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail
To: unofficially winslow
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 8:11 AM
Subject: Poteat

Did anyone ever goggle Dr. H Major Poteat? Very interesting reading check out the link below. It seems he is doing the same thing to our schools. Looks like he wants another big fat check from us the taxpayers of Winslow for his million dollar home in Westhampton NJ. When he was hired here I wonder if the board members read about him, I'm guessing not since they hired him. you know that Poteat gave his secretary last year a $20.000.00 raise? Public knowledge it was in the agenda. Did you know that his secretary has a secretary? I wonder what her secretary makes because the top secretary makes close to $60,000.00.Did you know that Dr. Ann Garcia is also the Executive Director for the Vineland Public Charter School? Wow busy woman, is that where the Winslow retirement money went this year? Talk about double dipping! Did you know that there is an Assistant Business Administrator? I wonder how many secretaries they have, I could not find that on the schools web site.Did you know that the Interim Director Of Human Resources, Lorene W. Moore, has 3 secretaries? Why would anyone need 3 secretaries?This is only three people how much is this costing us taxpayers? I think just for their salaries it takes a whole housing development taxes just for these 3 people, their assistants, their secretaries, and secretaries to their secretaries.If your as angry as I am let your voice be heard at the next board meeting July 7th at the Middle School 7:00.


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