Monday, July 12, 2010

UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

----- Original Message -----
From:UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 1:12 PM
Subject: Board Members

How can Poteat,Garcia, and our so called board members justify what they have done to our support staff!!!! For this summer program
they are using bus drivers as aides. Bus drivers make more money per hour than the bus aides do. Proven fact this is by no means saving
them money. Also this Human Resource person Moore only works 3 days per week, so why on earth does she need a secretary and then
this secretary has a secretary. Seems like a waste of money there. Now Garcia is no where near the honest person that she tries to come
off as. It is a known fact that she has her hand in the Charter School in Vineland. There are some taxpayers who are investagating some
of the leads they found out. Update on that hopfully will be soon. As for Poteat you can not say nice things about evil people like him.
How does this man close his eyes at night? With the rif raft that he has brought in makes me think it will get worse if the people of
Winslow Township do not demand that him and Garcia step down. Many residents do not feel their children will be safe. Look what
this man did to Harrisburg then look what he is doing to our school system. Shame on all of them for not putting our children before
the mighty dollar. How sad is that?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail
To: UNofficially Winslow
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:26 PM
Subject: Dump the Board of Education

We need the people in our township to help get POTEAT,GARCIA, AND ALL OF THE BOARD MEMBERS OUT OF OFFICE.

These people are a disgrace to our school system. They don't care about our children. One of our so called board members has a boyfriend who was a Winslow bus driver but he was busted for having cocaine in his urine and yes he lives with her Ms Peterson.
Seems to me she should have know he does drugs but we just ignore this. Shame on her for allowing him to drive children around knowing he does drugs. And by the way many,many,many of the buses do not have air as they do not work but we just keep hiding this from the parents with children whose IEP states they must be on an air-conditioned bus. This group of people are taking our schools down and we as taxpayers need to stop them now.
----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail
To: UNofficially Winslow

Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: Winslow Schools

This is what happens to a school district when you privatize out to outside companies. Look what happened in Cherry Hill just a few miles away. Maybe our school district could learn from this. Please read this very important web site link below. We are already missing things from our schools and this is just the beginning.

UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail
To: UNofficially Winslow
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:09 PM
Subject: Winslow Schools

School districts across the country have experienced first hand the many problems connected with contracting out. The following recent examples are illustrative:

Check out this web site that someone passed on to me, so I'm sending it to UNofficially Winslow.

UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

From: Graz
To: UNofficially Winslow
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: School District
I got my hands on some interesting material in regards to the privatization of the personnel that works most closely with our townships children. Pages 1-4 outline the ratification meeting that asked the union to accept a 30% pay cut and other various "give backs" or their postions would be privatized. Page 2 is a grid of hours and salaries which are slightly skewed. If you notice on page six of the attached the "statement of needs" at the top of the page has all aides working seven hours so the proposed numbers being given to the Board are lower than what the actual may be if all work seven hours. Also a very good source told me that some workers that were let go were called by the staffing company being hired by the Board to work at their old positions at $10.00 per hour...$2.00 an hour less than the ratification offer. If they voted down $12 why would they accept $10? I will let you draw your own conclusions but I will tell you this, most if not all of the members of the body of workers let go are residents of Winslow, friends and neighbors for the children they care for. I am worried about the care and attention that will (or will not) be given to all our special children by what I will call "outsiders". I am off to hunt down the minutes of a Board meeting from March 2009 which I sat and listened to the PR person for our Superintendent tell us that the privatization of the bus drivers, while saving money the first year would over the long run cost more. Will this be the same scenario and does the Board have short memories? Well I don't!


UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail
To: UNofficially Winslow
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 9:06 AM
Subject: Poteat

As a taxpayer in Winslow I'm very upset as to what is going on in our schools. What is this man going to do next? We are not paying school taxes to help educate our children we are paying them to give this man and all his so called friends the power he needs to destroy our school system. Every resident in Winslow needs to go to the board meeting on July 6 at the middle school at 7:00pm and fight to take control back of our schools. This man does not care about our children. He doesn't care that he has taken away all the TA's, classroom ESA's, Lunchaides, and Busaides needless to say that these are the people who took care of our children during school hours.Most of these people were employees for many years. Go figure he gets rid of all these people to save money AFTER HE GIVES OUT ALL THE FAT RAISES!!!!!!!!!!! Our children need these people
in our school system not some group of people that we know nothing about. We go to Philly to pick up people to bring them into our township to clean our schools at night. Oh
yes 3 school buses go and yes by the way they cover the cameras on the buses with tape so it can not record. Doesn't seem legal to me. Drivers are making big bucks ($175.00) a night.They then take them back to Philly. So why did they get rid of our custodians? We need this man out now along with Garica who is just as evil as Poteat.What is wrong with our board members for voting for these fools. Maybe we need to get rid of them and start fresh. SAD SAD SAD.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail
To: unofficially winslow
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 11:29 AM
Subject: Support Staff

Wednesday night 6/30/10 the Educational Student Aides (ESA's), Bus Aides (ESA's) and the before and after school care givers voted for what the school board presented to them, the 30% pay cut. The union members voted it down so now they are unemployed. I don't agree to this vote but who can afford a 30% cut. Could you and your family? Your monthly bills are not going down 30%. It seems they go up from month to month. Did Poteat take a pay cut? NO he received a $40,000.00 raise. That's at least 2 ESA's or 2 Teacher Assistants (TA's) plus every administrator got a big raise. A round off total of Winslow residents who lost their jobs these past few months is 180. That's 180 of your neighbors and friends. These aides worked with and cared for our special ed children. Like the custodians and TA's there will be more strangers in OUR SCHOOLS and working in OUR TOWNSHIP. The residents need to know this, those who lost their jobs are the lowest paid employees in the district. We are not talking about people making $40,000.00 or $50,000.00, we are talking about people making less then $20.000.00 a year, poverty level. The residents need to know this. The TA's they worked with the special ed but they also were in the pre-school and kindergarten classrooms. Last year there were TA's in the kindergarten classes but Poteat stopped that, no TA's in the kindergarten classrooms. This coming year only half day kindergarten and pre-school. Stopping the all day kindergarten is not a good idea, but then again I have common sense, these people don't. The state thinks our test scores are low now wait until these children start taking the state tests in forth grade. Talking about test scores the board does not realize the score will go down without our caring Winslow resident support staff. These children will not have the same caring aides everyday to help them with their Math or Spelling or just helping them on the bus. With the outside company you don't know who you will get and I can guarantee it will not be the same person everyday. I would like to know something about this company the board is using, Mission One Educational Staffing Services, LLC, to replace all support staff. I have checked on the internet, I can't find them anywhere. Residents of Winslow need to ask questions of how our hard earned tax dollars are being spent. I would like my tax dollars going to people who live and work in my township. What do you want? If your with me start calling Poteat and Garcia and ask them for their resignation, we have that right we are tax payers. THEY WORK FOR US WE ARE THEIR EMPLOYER......

Monday, July 05, 2010

UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

----- Original Message -----
From:UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail
To: unofficially winslow
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 6:52 PM
Subject: No Electric at School

When the electric was out at School 5 last Friday after the bad storm when the school was open, classes should of been canceled, The toilets over flowed all over the floor and hallway. This was the only Boys bathroom and Girls bathroom that the children were able to use for the ENTIRE FULL SCHOOL DAY. As I understand it was upstairs where there are windows in the bathrooms. The teachers said the whole school smelled of sewage. I heard the Board of Health was called about the cockroaches all over the High School. How would you like a cockroach walking on your lunchroom table while your eating? The Board Of Health also should go to the Middle School. The black mold growing on the walls, floors and ceiling are so disgusting. What is this doing to the children who have breathing problems? The Board of Health should be called about the two, two legged problem people at the BOE and while they are there do something with the Board Members.

UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail
To: unofficially winslow
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 7:30 PM
Subject: Educational Student Aides

As I understand the Educational Student Aides and the Teacher Assistants were called by the company the BOE privatized with. I would like to know how they got their phone numbers? Why does the BOE have the right to give out someones personnel phone number? I can understand address but not phone numbers. They are offering the Educational Student Aides $10.00 an hour, poverty level. How hard will the aide work with your child? People at WalMart make more money then people having the responsibility of caring for children. This is about a 40% cut and unemployment will not penalize if the aides don't take these jobs because it is to much of a percentage of lost income. So maybe there will be no summer school this year not enough staff. The BOE should of thought of this before they fired these wonderful employees.

UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail
To: unofficially winslow
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 8:11 AM
Subject: Poteat

Did anyone ever goggle Dr. H Major Poteat? Very interesting reading check out the link below. It seems he is doing the same thing to our schools. Looks like he wants another big fat check from us the taxpayers of Winslow for his million dollar home in Westhampton NJ. When he was hired here I wonder if the board members read about him, I'm guessing not since they hired him. you know that Poteat gave his secretary last year a $20.000.00 raise? Public knowledge it was in the agenda. Did you know that his secretary has a secretary? I wonder what her secretary makes because the top secretary makes close to $60,000.00.Did you know that Dr. Ann Garcia is also the Executive Director for the Vineland Public Charter School? Wow busy woman, is that where the Winslow retirement money went this year? Talk about double dipping! Did you know that there is an Assistant Business Administrator? I wonder how many secretaries they have, I could not find that on the schools web site.Did you know that the Interim Director Of Human Resources, Lorene W. Moore, has 3 secretaries? Why would anyone need 3 secretaries?This is only three people how much is this costing us taxpayers? I think just for their salaries it takes a whole housing development taxes just for these 3 people, their assistants, their secretaries, and secretaries to their secretaries.If your as angry as I am let your voice be heard at the next board meeting July 7th at the Middle School 7:00.

UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

----- Original Message -----
From: Graz
Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2010 11:19 AM
Subject: School District
Hello All,I have heard some disturbing news since the end of the school year added to some earlier news this year concerning raises to some Administrators as well as our Superintendent. How in good conscience can the same Administration that awarded themselves raise as well as a $40,000 raise for our Superintendent (as well as an extension) ask the aides that have daily contact with our students to accept a 30% reduction in pay? Is this savings to make up for the (unnecessary) raises that were handed out just prior to our Governor's proposed freeze and education cutbacks? How convenient. And just today I hear that with the abolishment of these positions, now they are asking bus drivers who make approximately $21.00 per hour do the job of the bus aides who made approximately $16.00 per hour and were just terminated as of June 30th. Were exactly is the sense in this? Why do we need THREE, YES THREE secretaries for an Interim HR Director (Ms. Lorene Moore)? Are these decisions being made by the same people we just gave raises to? This mismanagement starts at the top (Mr Poteat) and trickles on down (in this case it is looking like a mudslide). I will be doing more digging in the upcoming weeks and look forward to any response to my comments. Also, I will leave you with a few links to take a look at in regards to Mr Poteat.

Poteat Bucknell University

Firing head of schools Gerald Kohn a priority for Harrisburg Mayor-elect Linda Thompson

Lose Your Job, Then SUE THE BOARD? -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia


UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail
To: unofficially winslow
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 9:26 AM
Subject: Winslow Schools

The union (WTPO) were trying to negotiate contracts since November of last year. The board kept putting them off until they received a call the day before the Friday, June 25th, night board meeting to start negotiations, The employees were telling the parents that the board was firing all support staff, word went around the township fast. The school board was receiving many calls from parents, that is the only reason the board started negotiations. The school board is afraid of parents because they are tax payers like all of us. See what the power of the community can do. Next board meeting is July 7th at 7:00 at the Middle School. Please come as tax payers we need to fight this superintendent or are township is tombed.